Mondays join us at 6:30PM for a unique recovery ride. All abilities welcome, as the group maintains a pace that keeps all together. If you’re a racer or fast rider with sore legs from the weekend this is a great way to spin out the bad stuff at an easy pace. If it’s your first group rider ever, you’re still welcome. Come learn some group skills, safety tips and enjoy a fresh route most weeks. Ride lasts from 60-90 minutes, sometimes has a theme, and refreshments (beer) are served afterwards. Speed slow. Some paved trail, some road, some surprise.
Wednesdays join us at 6:30PM for the polar opposite of the Monday Night Ride. This is a hammer fest designed to break the strong and punish the legs. Fixed route with hills. No particular waiting up. Guaranteed suffering. But while this ride may have National Team wannabees setting the pace, anyone is welcome to take up the challenge.
Saturdays we meet at Scooters Coffee of Shawnee (one block West of the Trek Store) at 8 a.m. for a cup of coffee then hit the door at 8:30 for a brisk tempo rider on one of several fixed routes.
All abilities welcome, but if you’re new to pack skills or quicker tempos bring a buddy. Not a race but some folks use this ride to ‘’tune up”. Maps provided.
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